The save file transfer utility is an interactive Windows application that can be used to easily save a selected IBM i library or objects to a save file and download to a PC for distribution or backup.
Download Link
Installation and Usage
Download and run the installer to unzip the application to the c:\rsinstall directory. The directory will get automatically created.
Windows system requirements: The application requires .Net 2.0, 3.5 and 4.0.
After installation, run the program from Windows explorer or from Start/Run by running the following EXE: c:\rsinstall\RSSaveFileTransfer.exe
IBM i Save File Transfer Main Form
File Menu
Open INI transfer setting - This option allows you to open an INI transfer setting file with save or restore default values.
Exit - Exit program
CL Templates Menu
Restore library (RSTLIB) - Place a default template in the CL command field for restoring the currently selected save file to a library of the same name. (If desired commands can be modified or overwritten in the CL window as needed before running.)
Save library (SAVLIB) - Place a default template in the CL command field for saving the selected library based on the currently selected save file of the same name. (If desired commands can be modified or overwritten in the CL window as needed before running.)
Restore object (RSTOBJ) - Place a default template in the CL command field for restoring objects in the currently selected save file to a library of the same name. (If desired commands can be modified or overwritten in the CL window as needed before running.)
Save object (SAVOBJ) - Place a default template in the CL command field for saving objects from the selected library based on the currently selected save file of the same name. (If desired commands can be modified or overwritten in the CL window as needed before running.)
Help Menu
Online Documentation - Navigate to Online help documentation site in web browser.
About - Application version info.
Connect to IBM i - Connect to the selected IBM i system with selected host name, user and password.
Create Save File Library - Create selected save file library.
Create Save File - Create selected save file in selected save file library
Run CL Command - Run selected CL command. CL commands can be entered by hand, selected from the CL template screen or stored and opened from an INI style transfer settings file.
Upload PC File to Savf - Upload selected PC save file to IBM i save file. (Save file will be automatically cleared on upload.)
Download Savf to PC - Download to selected PC save file from IBM i save file.
Disconnect from IBM i - Disconnect from IBM i system.
Save File Creation and Download Sequence
Enter save file name to match your selected library name.
Enter save file library of RSINSTALL.
Enter the save file PC file to match your save file name. Ex: c:\rsinstall\library.svf
Select the appropriate SAVLIB or SAVOBJ template from the CL Command Template Menu. Modify the command if needed. Usually the defaults should be good.
Enter login info and click the Connect to IBM i button.
Once connected, click the Create Save File Library button. (If library exists, that's fine.)
Click the Create Save File button. (If save file exists, that's fine. It will get cleared automatically on library or object save.)
Click the Run CL Command button to run the appropriate save. Check the results window for success or failure.
Click the Download Savf to PC button to transfer the save file to the selected file on your PC. If PC file exists, you will be prompted to overwrite.
When transfer completes, you can package your PC file in a ZIP package or place it wherever you want until you're ready to upload it to another IBM i.
Save File Upload and Restore Sequence
Enter save file name to match your selected library name. Ex: LIBRARY
Enter save file library of RSINSTALL.
Enter the save file PC file to match your save file name. Ex: c:\rsinstall\library.svf
Select the appropriate RSTLIB or RSTOBJ template from the CL Command Template Menu. Modify the command if needed. Usually the defaults should be good.
Enter login info and click the Connect to IBM i button.
Once connected, click the Create Save File Library button. (If library exists, that's fine.)
Click the Create Save File button. (If save file exists, that's fine. It will get cleared automatically on library or object save.)
Click the Upload PC File to Savf button to transfer the PC file to the selected save file on your IBM i. If save file exists already you will be prompted to overwrite.
Click the Run CL Command button to run the appropriate library or object restore.
Check the results window for success or failure of your object restore.
You can use File/Open INI transfer setting menu to open a transfer setting file.
You can create any number of these INI setting files to run regular save or restore object commands if desired without remembering or typing the save file and PC info or CL commands. You can also do interactive object or library packaging or backups with a transfer setting file as well.
To see an example file, open the example INI file C:\rsinstall\libraryinfo-master.ini in notepad or other editor.
It should look like the following-
Note: For save commands, make sure to specify ALLOWOBJDIF(*ALL) and MBROPT(*ALL) or your save may freeze with a SYSOPR console message asking if it's to clear your save file if it contains data already.
Setting file option fields
SAVEFILENAME - This is the save file name default value when file is opened.
SAVEFILELIBRARY - This is the save file library default value when file is opened. RSINSTALL should be the usual default unless you have something custom.
PCSAVEFILE - This is the save file PC file default. Note: If @@DATETIME is placed into the PCSAVEFILE value, the current date/time will be placed into the file name. This is a nice way to have common settings and download a library or set of objects with unique names each time they are used if you need to do a regular copy or backup of a library or objects. Ex: c:\rsinstall\libname_@@DATETIME.svf
Note: If used, the @@DATETIME value must be in all capital letters
CLCOMMAND = Enter the default CL command you would like to run in this field. Command is not run unless user clicks the Run CL Command button.